Straight Ministry Heat Artist ( Haroun Law )

This is an artist of necessity; with a lyrical context of griot proportion.  Raised in the streets of Pittsburgh PA.

The hymns and odds  of poverty living, lite a flame that refuse to be extinguished under any circumstance.

Truly in a lane all his own. His style is like the spoon scene in the Matrix. There is no spoon. He has embodied the essence of water. Like Master Bruce Lee uttered. Become like water. His body of work up to date clearly expresses this point.

Haroun Law style is up in your face, unapologetic. Raw, Gritty, and pleasant to digest all in one. It’s like he’s representing for the weak as he runs point and assist to the strong. He brings that up in your face element like, “Yeah say something!” While giving you permission to Embrace Life, Live Life, and Love your Life.

His approach can be explained as Hardcore Hip-Hip. With Battle banters, cinema worthy stories, political view points, witty humor, and encouraging Gospel. as he pitches a journalistic, News Anchor, Video Jockey curveball. Making him a Rhyme Stylist who loves the Lord.

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