CYclone & Chille Baby of Gospel Gangtaz Camp8 Republic describe being a light in darkness, sparks flying from using the gifts given
overcoming all the outside noise going on, and trusting God to provide in an age where supplies may run low, we may be low on gas, but God provides our needs and gives strength to keep running despite the resistance life throws at us! The race is not given to the swift or the strong, but the one that endures until the end! Keep believing, keep trusting God, keep runnin or rubbin! CYclone: “It’s hard to put this into words, but I was on the phone with Solo for two days in a row, back to back, planning not only the creation of this FlintStones song, but other song plans and ideas, and just chopping it up, and building with Solo. About 6 hours after we hung up the phone, one of my computer tech guys called me and told me that Solo was no longer on the planet.
I responded back telling him, nah Solo good we just got off the phone. I thought he was telling me that Solo went crazy and did something crazy in public or something. That’s when he sent me a message that Chille publicly had just sent out. I could not believe it, I was just on the phone with him I kept saying so I immediately called his phone and his mom answered Solo’s phone at the hospital. She told me she didn’t feel like talking and the only reason she took my call was because I was one of the last people he called on his phone log.
I first began listening to the GGs in 1992 after hearing them feature on other artists songs and then in 93 they came out with their first album Gang Affiliated. I was in the 9’th grade. This was before I believed upon Jesus and gave my life to Christ. At that time, my goal was to play in the NBA. I would hoop and work out to their music. Later on I gave up basketball for music after I put my faith and trust in Christ and never knew that I would end up meeting just about all of my favorite artists I grew up listening to.
My parents were born again and they only allowed us to listen to gospel music. This helped me in so many ways as a kid! I learned as time went on that I was one of the Gospel Gangstaz favorite artists to listen to, and after Solo went, I spoke to his daughter who told me that her dad was always playing my music and was putting me on to other people to hear it too. It hit me so hard when she told me that, and encouraged me to know that the artists I grew up listening to was listening to my music on repeat. It’s different when your favorite rap group as a kid sees you similar…. It’s a big encouragement.
Anyone who experienced that in any field, knows what I’m talking about! Solo will be truly missed and this is the hope that we have in Jesus, that God loved people so much that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have eternal life! John 3:16. We encourage everyone to place all of their faith and hope in Jesus because Jesus is the only One, Who took away and defeated Adam’s sin and it’s result which is death. On top of that the Bible says Jesus what He did, is so much greater, that the two cannot even be compared with each other. Romans chapter 5 says we can see Adam’s sin and it’s result everyday, yet it doesn’t even come close to what Jesus did to bring mankind back to their state of eternal life, for all those that believe! This is the promise that gives society so much hope and joy for an eternal future and seeing loved ones again. Jesus is the Light! RUN to Him!”
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