John Lewis “J.C.” is a Christian singer and rapper who was born and raised in Houston. At a relatively young age, he fell in love with GOD and JESUS CHRIST. With this passion, he longed to do what he could to help people and have them find salvation through JESUS. This led him to start delivering the Word in youth ministry and music. He now has 6 albums filled with a heart for GOD and JESUS CHRIST and is currently recording his seventh. The ministry is increasing each day! He is the founder of Praise Party Saturday Christian rap outreaches, host of GOD’S Secret Word Poetry, a participant in the Houston’s Got Talent Gospel Showcase, as well as a participant at Lifted Up- Schlitterbahn Galveston’s concert series and is seeing what God has in store. To GOD goes the glory! JC’s new album “Hear The Sound” is scheduled to be released September 1, 2018.
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