Michelle Minutes… Not Just Another Business

Standing out from the crowd is so important when it comes to your business. There are so many ways to make your business unique, and one of the biggest things is thinking outside the box. If we’re going to a store with a lot of shirts or shoes, the one that your eye goes to is the one that is different and stands out. What stands out the one that is not like the others. Our brain’s eye is conditioned to investigate, check out, review that is different – the one that stands out.

How does your business stand out. You’re in the industry music and you have cds, but what makes you different? Instead of just having a cd, maybe add service with it or a study/workbook. Instead of just being a speaker, offer a book/tutorial to go with it.

There’s so many ways that you can stand out from the crowd because you are uniquely you. It’s just a matter of gaining clarity on who you are & your direction, determining what best connects with your specific targeted audience, and determining how you can best serve them. It’s all about your audience. What’s going to take them to the next level and propel them? How do they benefit from using your product/service?

It’s time out for what is common and what everyone else is doing. Now is the time perhaps you should start a course or some type of membership program connect and build a community online – to galvanize your people to give them a call or connection and a better way of viewing and consuming your product or service always ideal. I asked you – what can you do for audience TODAY?

If you are tired of blending in with other businesses, then connect with me on social media @MonicaMichelles.

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