Ty Nesha Author & CEO

Chasing the High

Have you ever loved someone so much it was exhilarating, gripping, highly entertaining, yet dangerously addictive?

It sounds like a bestseller, doesn’t it?

A love where you felt as if your heart and mind were on one accord, and your soul was whole. After all, love can be the cherry on top. Love can be why you smile every morning; it can make you kind to everyone and put you in a headspace that has you floating around reality, that feeling, minus the gravity.

To love and being loved are amazing feelings that leave you craving for more. But once the excitement is gone, that first high is often never to be had again.

Chasing the High uncovers the addictive struggles and patterns many people face but often internalize. Spending a vast amount of time going into relentless cycles of toxic relationships chasing a high that can make one feel happy, hopeful, and whole. All in all, searching for a fix becomes a detrimental fixation.

Chasing the High is a journey from being codependent and addicted to toxicity to the ultimate happiness: self-love.


Ty Nesha, Not afraid to let her imagination run wild, Tynesha also known as Sunshine, has done just that. Picking up a pen and allowing her words to lead the way as she tells the stories of her mind, has proven a cathartic method to relay the story of her life.
We don’t often get the opportunity to follow our dreams. However, Tynesha believes that if you want something, go for it! Turning her test into her incredible testimony is the main objective for her writing. Travel with her as she takes you on a captivating voyage through the depths of her mind each time she strokes a keyboard.

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