Porsche “Chè Sarai” Dorsey was born and raised in Baltimore and other surrounding parts of Maryland. She has been blessed with the gift to compose exquisite lyrics based on wisdom and truth. Chè Sarai proves time again that she has the ability to captivate the hearts and minds of a wide variety of audiences.

Chè Sarai wrote her first song at the age of 12 and her first rap at 14. She has been rapping for the Lord for about 8 years after recommitting her life to Christ in 2007 at Thomas Tabernacle Holiness Church of God Inc. (TTC) in Frederick, MD. While there, Chè Sarai was groomed under the late Bishop Roger E. Rollins and First Lady Roslin Rollins on how to live a life subject to the Holy Spirit. Chè Sarai took 2 years away from music to secure a relationship with God and returned to writing in 2009. At TTC is where she was first given the opportunity to minister through this medium

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