Bar Exam: Regenerit – The Call (EP)

A One Listen Album Review

Regenerit was one of the first artists to respond to our call to submit music for review. As I catch up on my inbox, it should be noted that Regenerit’s “The Call” was released at the beginning of the year 2018 as a 5 track EP. The artwork includes a picture of whom I would assume to be the artist in a phone booth making a call. It’s not the greatest looking first impression, but it has an ultra underground quality to it. As an indie rap geek I don’t mind this choice, as it brings a sense of nostalgia while I press play on the first song.

Strong Start

The first track is titled “Turn” and begins with some string samples and heavy hi hat. A lot of layers are added, and the emcee jumps in on the beat. It’s an unexpected double time flow with the instrumentation growing and fading in all the right places. “Turn from the culture of death and walk in newness of life” Regenerit jumps in and spits truth in your face and never lets up on this one. That cover art fits the quality of this. It’s unpolished and honest, but well done. Regenerit has a distinct underground sound to his music. This tune I’d put at the bar, trending up.

The next track is called “Move” and the music here again is intentional with the layers. There’s even some scratching. These instrumentals are reminiscent of A.D.F. and I’m okay with it. Alright I’ll just say it, Regenerit’s flow is intense. We’re now six minutes into the project and I don’t feel like he’s taken a breath. There’s insane talent here with the flow, and that’s something to hang your hat on. In this current culture however it’s important to captivate the listener. That means making decisions that will cause them to keep listening, or creating “ahh” moments throughout. These first two tracks use the exact same flow. While the ability on display is impressive, eventually the listener will it out. I’d have this track at the bar still, the beat wasn’t bad, we just need some different choices made with that flow.

I Need A Breather

On track three, “Exalt Him” he’s using a slower beat, some synth loops, and tasteful layers once more. Regenerit rips the beat up and then punches you in the face with it. Not in a good way. Sometimes when you decide to drink from the water hose you have to stop to take a breath.

“Blessed Hope” seems to be more of the same. I’m slumping hard through these last couple tracks. Making the decision to never let up on your flow could leave the audience feeling disregarded. Regenerit doesn’t fit in this camp, but a lot of double time rappers are difficult to understand, and by switching things up every once in awhile as a listener you may be able to latch on a bit better. A lot of things can be done to switch up textures or vibes when it comes to flow. There are creative moves that could be made by going to cut time or writing pause-heavy rhymes. Even if a rapper is unable to switch up a flow due to personal preference there could be a change in dynamic that could be added or a change in tone or infections. Listening to this project drives home the idea for me that moderation is key.

One Card Was Played

Track 5, “Pressing On” has a decent hook to it. “Pressing on til the day that I see his face/Pressing on toward the goal that’s only by his grace/Pressing on in this life as long as he sustains/Pressin’ on I’mma fight til I complete the race”Besides that, the issues are the same throughout this EP. Renegerit has a talent when it comes to articulating and enunciating well within a double-time flow. The problem is that when it’s the only card that’s played, it tires you out quickly. There’s a lot left to be desired when it comes to exhibiting versatility. He’s already got solid beats and strong conviction to his writing, if Regenerit can add some diversity to his bag of tricks he’ll be trouble in the future.

Overall Rating – Below The Bar


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