Hulvey’s 2nd Reach Records release “BRKNHRT” carves out a space in Christian music, displaying why he has garnered the attention and recent record deal. “Damascus” atmospheric guitars set the stage for Hulvey to describe what it’s like when God is calling you “in the distance, I can hear you calling me, help me listen, even when it’s hard to see, searching”, you know there’s something more to life and like Paul your blind eyes are open. The drive to seek the lord originates when you get tired of the same old same old, “Motions”. The beat and rhymes bounce with Hulvey’s signature sing-song sound, “days just feel the same, why can’t life just change, I’ve been trying to find my way, I’m tired of going through the motions.” The daily walk of life, just trying to be you can lead to a dry experience until you get to the end of yourself and seek God for change. “Coldwater” the moment you put down the flesh and let the spirit guide, the breakthrough moment coming up out the water renewed, baptized, refreshed, renewed great song. “If I Gave It All” pianos wash over a subdued rhythm, Hulvey contemplates “I’m scared of what I’d lose if I gave it all you”, to walk out a life in Christ you constantly have to give up what you want and pick up what God wants you to do.
You come to the conclusion that the only way to be fulfilled in life is to give “Everything” to God, that’s exactly what Hulvey expresses on “Everything” over an uptempo guitar-laden track. “BRKNHRT” settles on the heart-driven worship of “Anchor”, we have to live a life that centered on God and relies solely on Jesus Christ. “Anchor” is my favorite song. I’m very impressed how spirit-filled and Christ-centered 21-year-old man of God, Hulvey, released an e.p. that can relate and bring healing to a “BRKNHRT”. He has really captured the cycles and seasons we all grow through. This Reach Records release is a must listen because it is straight ministry heat. Support Hulvey on all media platforms, download and stream “BRKNHRT”.
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