The cars bars barbarian is back with his full length God Over Money release “ The Chaos is Beautiful.” The first track “Licentia” (Latin meaning license, unrestrained liberty) has Bumps inviting us into the dark areas of his mind, which represents the inner struggle all believers have in the battlefield of the mind. “Sophistry” (the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving) Bumps and Datin touch on all the ungodly, doctrinal opposing ideals pumped by social media, entertainment, the school system and the news, all intended to rip apart families, the church, and negatively influence the next generation.
“Spazz” feat. Monster Tarver, Swaizy, Jonathan Baker & Drulegendary; the slow flow piano bounce leaves room for the brag on God, freedom in Christ bar game, honestly I didn’t like the hook but Monster Tarver really did spazz on the track. “Dei Gratia” (Latin meaning by the grace of God) Over crisp snare snaps, double time hi hats and spacey vibes, bumps airs out lyrics heard in the cars bars ig series but he knitted them together to prove the point at the end of the song,, everything he does he does it for God.
“The Diner” (Prelude) is one of a three part narrative that can also be found as a separate e.p. release “Perception”. The Diner is written from the point of view of a homeless man who explains his thoughts about the people he deals with at a local diner he frequents. Rhodes and jazz horn melodies create the perfect mood for this creative tale to be told. “Change” feat Evan Ford has a classic sugar hill r&b flow, in the song bumps gives witness to the change Jesus has brought to his life.
“Pressure” brings the listener back into the mind of bumps, the theatrical beat drips echoey character as inf illustrates the thought process of handling life’s pressures and how to deal with the devil that will try and take advantage of those moments. “Words to Remember” is another well balanced updated ode to classic hip hop with piano licks and up-tempo drum pattern.
The song is a musical letter of wisdom and encouragement from a dad to his kids, dope. “The Waitress” (Interlude) is the second part of the “Perception” narrative, this p.o.v. is from a single mom struggling to take care of her kids and pay the bills by pulling multiple shifts at the diner, she explains her living conditions, the crime in the area, and the sneaky suspicions she has about the stinky homeless man always at the diner.
“God Tho” feat Jered Sanders, rapid lyrics fly and bounce over the rumble fuzz bass groove, Jered brings the hook telling the listener for all good things in life the credit goes to God. “Trauma” feat Fern, is a song about abuse and how it affects a child’s development, only God can heal us. “Hate to Love You” feat Evan Ford, sing song hooks over a tight rhythm track about addiction and the things we love that actually hinder our growth.
“If Things Were Different” feat Bizzle, a reflective track about the hard truth of generational hurts that can be passed down due to broken home dynamics, children need Godly parents.
“The Owner” (Postlude) the finale track in the “Perception” story takes the view of the diner owner dealing with doubt due to a failing business and how will he break the news to his employees; the three songs are a great example of bumps creative story telling. “Circles” jazzy vibes track about the round and round process until we as people learn what God is trying to teach us. “Despero” (Latin meaning despair) a hard banger with a serious message about a dad losing his battles with his inner demons and the fallout of a failed suicide attempt, deep! “Don’t Let Me Go” feat Drew Weeks, all the ups and downs in life can create a hard heart but it leads to a believers prayer to the lord for help. This is a great song to end
“The Chaos is Beautiful.” The lp is a serious introspective on life funneled through the mind of one man of faith, Bumps Inf. The roller coaster ride of lyrics, beats, melodies, and spacious moods is the perfect land scape to balance Bumps artistic writing and comedic yet sobering bars always pointing towards the light of Christ. There is a lot of music to soak in and enjoy, so support and download Bumps Inf “The Chaos is Beautiful” it’s certified straight ministry heat.
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