There are so so so many reasons to collaborate, however here are three reasons to collaborate with others. Think about when you were playing with your friends… you typically enjoyed playing more when you were with a community or at least one other person versus playing alone by yourself. Now don’t get me wrong, there are times where being alone is ideal and it works. When working on a project and you’re trying to get something accomplished (may it be getting in front of a crowd, sharing your new idea, or an event), it’s always better to do it with another – as they say no woman is an island. You can’t do it by yourself; well actually you can it just takes longer.
So if you have all the time in the world to sit around doing everything by yourself and you don’t need people, then that implies that you know everything, you can do everything, you can provide for yourself, and you don’t need any of the modern-day inventions. All inventions came from someone else. So there are many reasons why you should collaborate and work with others and here are THREE:
- Saving time – The benefits of working and collaborating with another is you save so much time. How sway – you may ask me. Well, when working with the group you’re typically divvying up the work as someone is focusing on marketing, someone else is focusing on the volunteers, and someone else is focusing on another element. It divides up the work so it saves you time and this kind of bleeds into all the other reasons that are we’re also going to discuss.
- Reach a wider audience – You ever have a desire to get your product in front of more people? To have your service shown to the masses? You want everyone to know and to have access to what you spent your blood tears sweat and time working on. One of the fastest ways to do this is to collaborate as you’ll have access to the other person’s audience. Most collaborations have opportunities where you’re going to advertise, promote, or share the event with everyone’s going to do it with their respective audience. It’s going to take time before you can get in front of these people had you not collaborate it. Collaborations with the right partners are always important, because you want to be in front of the right audience for you. It’s saving the time that it would have taken you to reach out to that audience had you not collaborated. Influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, and sponsorship ads are awesome for this.
- Synergy – Whenever you are collaborating, typically you are sitting down for discussion and going back & forth on ideas as you’re planning out the details. The benefit of doing this is you are creating synergy. There’s something that you’re going to say that may spark an idea, thought, or a movement for them, and vice versa. So this energy creates additional energy and thought patterns that can take you to a place you’ve been before when thinking and working on ideas similar.
Well that is three reasons why you should consider collaborations and figure out how to make them work for you. If you’re looking for a collaboration or if you’re just trying to do some collaborations and would like some assistance on how to make them work, send me an email or connect with me on social media to talk about collaborations and how I can help.
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