Jaroe, a.k.a. “Mr. Gudfella”,

His new upcoming single, “Survivor” is of a slightly different facet. Survivor is a song of great inspiration and with what we have conquered so far with the Covid-19 pandemic, this is a great song to get us in the mindset of continuing where we left off.
We all have hopes and dreams, goals that we want to achieve. But life has a way of putting those things on hold sometimes. And sometimes we forget or wish that we could continue pursuing those dreams and goals.

Survivor is about picking up where you left off and strive for those goals and dreams. Life happens to us all, but don’t give up because You Are A “Survivor”.
“Survivor” is set to release sometime in August 2021 and will be available for download and on all streaming platforms.

Joseph Robeson Jr., know professionally as Jaroe, a.k.a. “Mr. Gudfella”, is a native of Greensboro, NC where he and his wife Tanicka, and their three children reside. Jaroe began his music ministry at the early age of seven. He got his start by participating in various choirs and ensembles. As time went on, the anointing on his life became apparent to those who surrounded him. God blessed him with the gift to play the piano and to write music. His passion has always been to reach people of all ages and cultural backgrounds through whatever means God would allow them to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Jaroe strives daily to be the example that is needed in the world today, and to let the light of Christ shine through him so that men, women, boys and girls can find their way to Christ through the vehicle of music.
His recording studio, Gudfella Studios, is where his does the majority of his work trying to perfect his craft every chance he gets. Jaroe’s statement of dedication is this: “If God took the time out to put the very best in me, then I must take the time to give Him the very best that I can back to Him. I don’t know any other way to bless God than to go hard for him. Because of the love I have for God and His people, it is my duty to show the world the true love of God that is within”.

The single “Crazy” Featuring Natman was released in 2020. The song starts off talking about the worlds overall view of “Christians” and how our loyalty to God is vaugely understood. The following year he released two more singles, Strut’n (The Remake) and Illusionz.

Connect With Jaroe

Email: Gudfellastudios@gmail.com
Singles: “Survivor” produced by Michael Robert Polk, “Illusionz” produced by Gudfella Studios, “Strut’n (The Re-make) produced by Gudfella Studios, “Crazy” produced by Michael Robert Polk
Genre: Christian Hip Hop/Christian Rap/Spiritual Rap/Christian Pop/Dance
Website: https://www.gudfellastudios.com/jaroe
Twitter: @Jaroemusic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jaroemusic/
Instagram: @gudfellastudios
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4zD8neHNHeiVjCJuc9hCwM
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/jaroe/363364461
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_EudsK-VcNWSLRkac_-A1g

For more from Jaroe
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/jaroe/

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