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Bar Exam: BRM – God’s Goon (One Listen Album Review)

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Bar Exam: NamedTobias. – Blood Work: Covered (EP)

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Bizzle dropped a new EP entitled “Light Work” this week. Having already heard a couple tracks from it, I’m excited to hear it all together. Way Up starts off with some great vibes. These synths lay a great bed underneath a new sound, a new flow from Bizzle. I’ve never heard him like this before. It works too. …

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Jackie Hill Perry along with the rest of the folks over at Humble Beast offer some of the best lyricism and poetry that hip-hop can offer. Jackie is a writer as well as a public speaker and in February was given the opportunity to give a speech about sexuality at Harvard University. She’s able to use her words …

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WHATUPRG just released his debut project, an EP entitled “Pleasant Hill.” The indietribe member and newest Reach Records signee isn’t new to these parts, we had the privilege to speak with him recently and have greatly anticipated this release. I’m just gonna dive right in. Yellowpaint – “I consider my life nothing.. i live to tell the world his message Romans …

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Dru Bex’s “In God’s Good Time” is my newest exam. Excited to share my thoughts on this record with you this week. As you know, I was able to interview him recently and we talked quite a bit about creativity and how the goodness of God has an affect on everyone’s story. This is a theme that is heavily …

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