A three song release from Kieranthelight has him hitting the tracks verbally running with wally west movement. His rhymes ebb and flow over energetic kick and snare patterns that’ll have you bouncing in your seat while cruising in the summer heat. “Forgiven” produced by Blaze, brings a soulful vocal sample under a hard kick as Kieranthelight sheds light on his journey and growth with Holy Spirit, breaking down the layers of old mind sets and destroying the reminding lies of Satan with the new creature truth found in the word of God, fire!
A musical hypnotic wave and 808 bass form the track “Looking Back” produced by Swayzee. It’s another deep dive into the battle between the flesh and spirit, the old man always tries to rise up but the hook of the song says it all, “ I ain’t looking back, looking, looking, looking back”! The last track Blaze and Crookz produced with bass-heavy hits and piano dramatics so Light can pen “Beast”.
Sing song flows switch back and forth with fiery straight forward lyrical jabs as Kieranthelight flexes his God-given talent. I love the hook “I can’t receive no mark of the beast, when I’m already a beast”. This is my first time hearing Kieran, you can hear humbleness and his surrender to Jesus through powerful Holy Ghost lyrics, he caught my attention on Instagram, he’ll catch yours, check out Kieranthelight “New Levels” for that straightministryheat!
If you need some more beats and rhymes here are some other straightministryheat suggestions:
Monster Tarver is back for the three peat with “The Monster Tape 3.0” https://monstertarver.bandcamp.com/
iNTELLECT is kung-fu fighting with help from Coreywordsmith and Mitch Darrell on “New Kung-Fu” and the boom bap heavy “Manifest” ft. Mr Uni Universal. https://linktr.ee/intellect_419
Hope Music brings the team, BRM, GoYe, Russ Shanks, Lil T and more on the full length lp “Beardgang”. https://open.spotify.com/album/58R8aXnSSZRBVMYF8sjKSa?si=pTi4RcKgQLu5-yKwxIUS3w&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1
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