KJ-52 – Victory Lap Review

When I first heard about Christian hip hop, gospel rap, used to be holy hip hop, KJ was one emcee who popped up and legitimized CHH to me. I didn’t know there was anybody spitting fire for the Lord. I thought it was ABC raps for little kids in Sunday school, which is needed but I was a hip hop fan and wanted something solid. So with that being said, it’s hard to believe this will be KJ-52’s final album.

Victory Lap encapsulates KJ’s life and career as a white rapper making his way in an uncharted yet to be sub-genre of hip hop music. Running 10 tracks of classic beats and rhymes, it starts with “Day I was Born” touching on 52’s birth and rebirth with purpose, “Keep on Running” chronicles the struggles of growing up in the hood. Amongst the pain and struggles, he sings “God is Good” all the time, next is the light-hearted vibes of “Summertime”. The mellow groove of “Come Alive” KJ declares the resurrection of his soul, the heartfelt ode to his 20 plus year marriage “Just Gets Better”, plays into “Pay Attention”. As the beat rolls over a piano groove, KJ spells out his come up in the rap game, then the confident bounce of “I Got This” brings us into the final turn. “Victory Lap” sounds like your favorite heroes dramatic ride off into the sunset. Then KJ-52 ends with “My Very Last Song”, where he hands off the mic like a baton to the young buck Alcott like a blessing to the next generation.

“They only miss you when you dead or when you gone”, this may be an unfortunate truth, but hopefully KJ will make some comebacks like your favorite wrestler in his prime. Nuff respect to KJ-52 he has influenced many lives and holds a place in the foundation of chh. Prayers to whatever God has for KJ in the next season of his life, “Victory Lap” is certified straight ministry heat.

Search KJ-52 on your favorite digital platform and listen to all his albums.


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