Hip-Hop artist Mogli the Iceburg was a guest on the Survival of the Artist Podcast where he dropped gems on streaming, branding yourself, and also spoke about his new project Sad People Make Dope Musicincluding how he injured himself making a song.
The project is set to release on April 13th, but those who preorder can grab a copy of the entire thing early if they screenshot and send it to Mogli.
The emcee said the EP was birthed out of a down period after releasing his last album Tumultu.
“After a project, I always go into a post album depression where everything just sucks…it put me in a real bad spot for a while,” he said.
For the first time, he went back to the fundamentals of music making and grabbed outside producers to make beats for him so he could focus on music.
“It’s definitely the best music I ever made…there are no features and this is all just me.”
Perhaps the biggest surprise to people will be the EP’s last track, “Reinventing Your Exit,” a cover of post-hardcore/screamo band Underoath.
He admitted that his favorite two genres of music are hard rock and rap, and he was trying to find good ways to experiment with the two as a “technical exercise.”
Knowing this was not the most hip-hop route to go, he’s anticipated how the reactions would be and so far, “the reactions have been good.”
The only reaction that was bad, was the reaction his body had on itself. Screaming vocals for an extended period of time is very taxing on the body if you’re not used to it. Mogli found this out the hard way as he gave himself a hernia from recording the cover.
He had to have surgery shortly afterward and all of Tumultu‘s profit went to it.
“Was it worth it?” “I think so,” said Mogli.
Listen to the podcast below for more details on the jury (that part is around the 45-minute mark):
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