Straight Ministry Heat Barz….
Whether you call it boom bap, lo-fi, true school, foundation hip hop etc… beats and barz are heavy in 2021. I believe there’s a strong thirst for traditional hip-hop, and there’s a few cats with solid releases to add to the playlist.
— First is Procyse & iNTELLECT’s e.p. “The Art of Grace” beats produced by Newselph. Six jazzy neck cracking soulful tracks filled with wordplay, theology, and feel good vibes. Pro & iNTELLECT pass the mic back and forth verse for verse effortlessly, each emcee’s style is unique but compliments the other beautifully over Newselphs gymnastic drums and fuzzy analog melodies. The e.p. also features the brothers Dj Sern, Griffin, and T.C. adding turntable techniques and holy flow lyrics. This e.p. is in heavy rotation and hopefully we will get a part two.
— The second release is another straight ministry heat banger from YP aka Young Paul “Saints at the Round Table”. Nine tracks like artillery shots at the devil are a mix of boom bap drums and deep 808s with skidding snares and hi hats laced with moody tones. YP jumps comfortably from a liquid syllable flow to story telling track for track. Barz are traded like conversations with the saints he enlisted for this project; Rigz, Dj Morph, P.Dot, Anonymous XI, Noah da Governor, WrittenByC4 aka C4 Crotona, Confucius, Dj Charlie Washed & Selah The Corner, all bring their A game for yet another solid YP release you need to check out.
— The final release comes from Menace Movements recently signed C4 Crotona with the e.p. “Snake Skin Bible Cover”. The gritty bar-barian slaps five soulful street heavy tracks with aggressive passion for beats, rhymes and light. Repping the kingdom of God with truth fueled metaphors, C4 carves his lane in chh alone on most of his tracks except one hook sung by Datin on the track Toxic. Crotona’s e.p. will definitely fulfill your need for spirit driven east coast hip-hop, highly recommend you download this joint.
Bar for bar, beat for beat, these three recent projects are a must have for your soundtrack as you ride out during summer 2021. Show some love and support these brothers by downloading and streaming these straight ministry heat releases.
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