Tone Spain – Loose Gems: The Wilderness review

Tone Spain – Loose Gems: The Wilderness review

Soon as you hear the tag drop “Nftry” you know it’s time to go in. “Bad Landz” documents the pitfalls of the hood, the church, and the world all being compared to the wilderness. “Rollin’ Stoner” is the truthful heart aching struggle of growing up with a depressed drug-addicted mother. Preaching “Maranatha” (meaning the lord is coming or come o lord) Tone voices his thankfulness for being saved by the blood of Jesus. The soldier’s theme song “As I Walk” promotes the strength needed to walk through the valley of death and sets up the mission mode of “Came to Win”, soul-saving is Tone Spain’s focus. Line after line lyrical punches hit hard for the lord on “Bar Mitzvah: Shnayim”, the bars and beats continue. “Fal$e Profit$” fires shots at the commercialization of Chh, Tone questions the sub genre’s motives and message. Is accountability low, grace perverted, self-focused clout chasing, all about the money, becoming the driving force to be an artist? Hmmm? On the last track “Blood of the Prophets”, Tone explains he’s not looking for “agreement from his peers” he’s been in prayer and God has commissioned him to rise up and speak truth to expose the misleading agenda of this world. Any time prophets expose the evils that men do, the crowds usually call for their blood in the streets, that’s the bible.

Featured on Loose Gems, Tra’mayne Williams, Elder DJ Ward, Jeremiah Bligen, and Read B. Verses.

Tone Spain drops loose gems over soulful well-spaced drums, his north Philly cadence reports from the frontline with confidence delivering the signature sound of Nfrty! A must-have for the collection certified straight ministry heat.

Download Tone Spain – Loose Gems: The Wilderness and support the movement.

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