Christian Rap & The Side Hustle: 10 Artists With Non-Music Related Clothing Brands

There’s nothing that truly brings out the entrepreneurial spirit like a necessity. 2020 was a crazy year for everyone, especially artists, who normally make a living or expand their audiences playing shows. Many found themselves having to branch off into different revenues to support themselves and a few landed on clothing.

Most artists having clothing merch to support their brand, but this list is specifically for artists who sell products outside of their artist brand. In other words, the clothing is a separate entity from the music they make.

Keep in mind, this isn’t an exhaustive list and we can create a series of articles covering artists with dope clothing in the space.

Humble Lord (Phaino)

Humble Lord

Humble Lord is a new and upcoming brand based out of Toronto, Canada. The inspiration comes from Micah 6:8: “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”

We are a movement focused on being in the trenches with our communities & we design our pieces with the heart to see action happen.

Shop Humble Lord clothing here.

GO(O)D Company (D-MAUB)

GO(O)D co

GO(O)D Company stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with people who will encourage, support, and build you up on your road to success. With its unique logo, it’s a word that can be viewed in two different ways. The second “O” in “GO(O)D” is in parentheses, making it applicable or non-applicable. So, it not only says “GOOD”, but it also says, “GOD.” Our motto is simple, “Keep GO(O)D Company.” A lot of us are here today because we kept “GOOD” company and whether we knew it or not, we kept “GOD” company.

Our slogan and desire is to encourage individuals to “wear who you are and live what you believe.” If you believe that you are GO(O)D Company, wear it!

Shop GO(O)D Company clothing here.

Visionaries Forever (JPKILLEDIT)

Visionaries Forever

Visionaries Forever is a relatively new clothing company founded by JPKILLEDIT who is a force to look out for in his own right. There isn’t much “text” out there on the brand except the tagline: “This One Is For The Dreamers.”

Shop Visionaries Forever here.

Laced Right (Double ATL)

Laced Right

Laced Right™️ is an apparel company that believes we have been “laced” in the image of God. Get Laced!

“Blessed Are The Feet That Get Laced Right”

Shop Laced Right here.

ABnormal (ABDaDisciple)


We all are made in our own unique way. We love to express ourselves and to feel free to be who we are. Here at ABnormal Clothing, we desire to create a brand that allows you to do just that, to be you. No matter if it is clothing, music, culture, whatever it may be, we all are different in some way. Fitting in a box is normal, so we created a way to be what we like to call ABnormal.

What does your version of ABnormal look like?

Shop ABnormal here.

Freshman Year Co. (NXTMIKE)

Freshman Year Co.


If you think about it, at one point in their life, everyone feels like a freshman. Freshman year is a time of uncertainty, awkwardness, & self-discovery. You start building an identity for yourself, & decide who/what you want to associate yourself with. You also determine whether you want to put your trust in yourself, or someone/something bigger than you. We, Freshman Year, put our trust in God. Our signature emblem is a rocket ship, composed of a pencil and wings, surrounded by an ivy league badge. Rockets are meant to move upward towards the sky. For us, this symbolizes that we need to ‘take off & lookup’ for guidance throughout our lives because we were never meant to do life on our own.

Shop Freshman Year Co. here.

BlessedOnesCo. (CJ King)


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit BlessedOnesCo. I started this company with the purpose of providing faith-based clothing you can wear with confidence. Feel free to reach out to me for anything you need via!

Shop Blessedonesco here.

Fear Not (Legin)

Fear Not

In June 2017 I went to Kenya. Expecting God to speak something profound to me while 1000s of miles away, I came back with two words;

“Lead Courageously.”

I wrestle with insecurities, fear of failure, and daddy issues, like many people, do. These struggles follow me daily into fatherhood, marriage, as an artist, and in ministry. Questions like “Am I good enough?” or “Will I succeed at being the person I aspire to be” are ever with me.

So I went to Joshua 1 in the Bible where God repeats “move forward, trust me, fear not…” I found out “Fear Not” is one of the most repeated commands in the Bible. Repeated because God wants us to pay attention to that. And I realized that when God was challenging me, despite my fears, to be who He called me to be.

Every day, I want to Trust God and Fear Not.

I wanted to create a shirt that would remind me every day to push forward in the face of my fears. We started designing shirts because I thought other people needed this message too. This also turned into a podcast (the Fear Not Podcast), a song (Fear Not by Legin), and more merch.

So journey with me. Wear your courage. Fight to be who God has called you to be.

“What are you afraid of? Well, Go Do It Anyway….”

Trust God + Fear Not.

Shop Fear Not here.

Paid Attention (Torey D’Shaun)

Attention was paid to you.
To the Downcast, to the overwhelmed, to the forgotten, to the depressed, to the anxious, to the evil, to the perplexed: He’s Paid Attention.

Shop Paid Attention here.

Stay Faithful Clothing (CUTRIGHT)

Stay Faithful Clothing

Honestly, this all started out because I’m terrible when it comes to fashion. For years I’ve creating personal shirts that highlighted both my love for Jesus and pop culture, as they both crafted me into the person I am today. Chances are if your reading this, the same can be applied to you.

So why Stay Faithful?

Stay Faithful isn’t just another brand; it’s a reminder to be the YOU you were born to be, no matter how unpopular it makes you. You don’t have to love comics books less to love Jesus and you don’t have to love Jesus less to love Street Fighter, Thunder Cats, or old school Kung Fu movies.

Most Christian brands target urban markets, but I wanted to create something special for those of us in the faith who have a special place in our hearts for pop culture.

At the end of the day, there are so many things that cause us to lose faith in ourselves, lose faith in each other, and lose sight of our purpose. I just want to encourage people to stay faithful to their dreams, to their beliefs, and most importantly to themselves.

Besides….you can’t be anybody else….unless you’re a Skrull…and in that case, you do you fam!

Shop Stay Faithful here.

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