Emcee N.I.C.E. Releases Indie Artist Strategy Guide Book & it Reaches No. 1

Aulsondro “Novelist” Hamilton p/k/a Christian Hip Hop Recording Artists Emcee N.I.C.E., a 30-year music veteran, is proving why the blessings keep on coming his way as he keeps on winning in the music business with his new book “Music Release University: The Indies’ Guide to Releasing Music!”.

Teaming up with the Information, Technology & Literacy Foundation books & AULGRAY 31 Media, Emcee N.I.C.E. gives the independent artist real-life insight on how to prepare their music for release to the masses. Where an artist is given thought-provoking techniques that not only challenge them to be honest with themselves with their level of understanding but help them understand the levels of preparedness needed to succeed as a professional recording artist not in the music business but in life.

In what most would consider one of the most unique ascensions in music history, Aulsondro Novelist Hamilton has been quietly amassing a resume that very few have accomplished in the music business today.

“So I applied all of the wisdom and created a series of “how to’s” and called it Music Release University, with the first one being “The Indies Guide to Releasing Music!” N.I.C.E. says.

In this book, Emcee N.I.C.E. shows you how to start with a Vision, do Research, set
attainable Goals, Create a PLAN and Win! Artists will be given the following insights, tools, and

Understand the mindset of a successful professional recording artist
Research and Development for your release
Learn How to S.W.O.T.
Setting attainable goals to achieve for your release
Creating a plan and executing that plan for your release
Artists will be given a music release checklist
Artists will be given tools that will aid you with your release
Artists will be given tools that will aid you in songwriting
Artists will be given a “Split Sheet” template
Artists will be given a “One Sheet” template

Following the release of the book, Emcee N.I.C.E. will also debut his online course for Music
Release University for a more in-depth learning experience for an artist with the ability to do a
one on one with him.


AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Music-Release-University-Indies-Releasing/dp/0996370366

BARNES & NOBLE: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/music-release-university-aulsondro-novelist-hamilton/1141983149

BOOKS-A-MILLION: https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Music-Release-University/Aulsondro-Novelist-Hamilton/9780996370363?id=8606332833960

BOOKTOPIA: https://www.booktopia.com.au/music-release-university-aulsondro-novelist-hamilton/book/9780996370363.html

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