Risen Apparel

Risen Apparel is an independently owned Christian brand located in Southern California. Our goal is to incorporate a positive and inspiring message from the word of God on our t-shirts. Even though Risen Apparel is a Christian based company, all of our designs are made with everybody in mind-Christian & non-Christian. We want every person of all ages, ethnic groups, genders, and beliefs to be united with a constructive message on their tees.

The name Risen is an inspiration from the book of Matthew 28:6: “He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen.” Here at Risen, we strongly believe that Jesus Christ gave his life for our sins and rose from the dead after the third day. We love to promote God’s love toward us in any way, shape, or form, and this is why we design our shirts with a positive and inspiring message.

Here at Risen Apparel, we work extremely hard to come up with the best concepts on our designs; we want them to be dynamic, colorful, and aesthetically pleasing to everyone. All of our shirts are designed and printed in the USA. Our shirts use a mixture of Cotton & Polyester, for the most comfortable and durable fabric.



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