3 Hashtag Tips that Drive Targeted Traffic without Pulling Your Hair Out

Trying to get more attention on Instagram? Then you definitely need to use hashtags – that’s right I said hashtags. I have three tips to share when it comes to using these hashtags that every business needs to know to attract your targeted audience.

 1. Instagram will allow you to use up to 30 hashtags on any given post. So these hashtags are going to help new people find you to connect; using them are of benefit to you.

  1. You don’t want to come off as desperate, so it’s recommended that you stay between 5 and 9 hashtags on each post. This is going to help ensure that the right people (the ones more likely to buy) are seeing your post to come to your page.
     3. So when it comes to your hashtags it’s all about your target audience. Who you want to come to your page… Who you are trying to connect with… So the best way to go about doing this is your hashtags need to be something that your target audience will search for or look for in Instagram; not something that is all about you and what you like. Example: if you are trying to connect with people who love the color blue and you post something that has red in it there’s no sense in having #red, because the blue people are not looking for hashtag red when they go into Instagram.

    Here is a Bonus Tip – when it comes to your hashtags, just know that hashtags do attract bots and that’s absolutely okay. You can either remove them and block them or let them stay and they will fall off when they get good and ready.


If you’re looking for additional tips on growing your social media page, by all means, let me support you, email me at info@monicamichelles.com to connect.


Have a Happy New Year!



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