So this bit of information on Angie Rose is a little old, but we had the chance to ask her about it in the upcoming Pen Game 101 episode. In the song “Crying in a Jaguar” off her latest project Unstoppable she says the following:
“I was listed number 9 People Magazine / Latina with some swag pandemic / Intervened / We took a hit with corona…”
This wasn’t just a line in a song, it happened last March in 2020 when the April issue featuring Selena was released. She had a bit of buzz and then COVID shut everything down. She even shared a show with Sean Paul was booked and then canceled.
Rose sent us the pdf of the article she was featured in.
The text in Spanish reads: SABOR BORICUA: Del Bronx para el mundo llega Angie Rose, una joven nuyorican que busca ganarse un lugar en el competitivo mun – do de la música urbana. ¿Será la nueva Angie from the Block si lo consigue? Averígualo escuchando su último sencillo, “Infatuation”, que ya está disponible en las plataformas digitales.
Roughly translated to English it reads: BORICUA FLAVOR: From the Bronx to the world comes Angie Rose, a young Nuyorican looking to earn a place in the competitive world of urban music. Will she be the Angie from the block? Find out by listening to her latest single, “Infatuation”, which is now available on digital platforms.
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