Originally from Virginia. I lived up and down the east coast the majority of my life. I was raised in a single parent home. As I grew up I was pretty much to myself, I did have close friends as I grew up but for the most part , my life has been called to create music at a continuous rate, therefore I was mostly creating alone. I started rappin at a very young age and continued to do so as I got older. With three solid projects in a years time, completely recorded, mixed and mastered by myself, im ready for the world to hear what I have to offer, not just to rap or Hip-Hop but to music as a whole!
by Revolution is a release from the 5th Seal Music camp that has been a long time in the making. This project contains 20 unreleased fully revamped, mixed and mastered cuts between the time period of 2009-2016 from Revolution. Each song showing the progress and development of style and sound over the years, and how the artist came to this point within the craft. Some songs were used on mixtapes that never really got their proper distribution and some songs just were complete gems that never found placement on any released project. Also their are songs produced personally by Revolution on this project. This album, like its predecessors, is set to shock and awe and continue to do the work it was set out to. The Ascension Collection by Revolution. 12/2/2018. Available everywhere! Get it in your rotation.
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