Revolution-Mercy & Grace

“Mercy & Grace” by Revolution of 5th Seal Music and Independent Gospel Artist Brittany Williams, is the 2nd Lead Single off the Newest Release from Revolution entitled “The Call To The Light” Available Everywhere NOW!! Search: iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music, SoundCloud, BandCamp, SoundCloud, YouTube and more!!! This single gives the listener a real perspective into the days and times we live in and how it parallels with GODS Mercy & Grace, and how much HE has shown us and the world. Nothin but the real, raw truth & possibly the next level in CHH.

IG: @5thSealMusic



DatPiff Project Titles: “40 Days & 40 Nights”, “Warcries & Repentance I & II”, “The Furnace” & “The Call To The Light”

Google Search: Revolution Gerard Biggs Jr

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